Choosing A Hairstyle That Embodies Your PersonalityChoosing A Hairstyle That Embodies Your Personality

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Choosing A Hairstyle That Embodies Your Personality

Sometimes, people underestimate the importance of a great hairstyle. Instead of picking something that really embodies their personality, many people choose something super conservative or boring. However, you don't have to deal with a bland hairstyle if you don't want to. After all, why go with a boring bob when you can dye your locks like a rainbow! As a lover of tattoos and a hairstyle connoisseur, I know a thing or two about making your hair pop. I hope that as you go through the articles on my website that you can get a better feel for your hair and beauty options, so that you can show off your personal style.

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3 Types Of Lens Coatings To Consider

Getting a new pair of glasses from your optometrist can be a bit confusing at times due to the sheer amount of extras and additions that can be added to your lenses, with many of them offering fantastic benefits that can greatly improve your day-to-day life. A few of the lens coatings that you should consider are photochromic, anti-glare, and scratch-resistant coatings.


One of the most convenient lens coatings that you can consider is photochromic because it can greatly cut down on the amount of glasses that you have to carry around and switch out. It is not uncommon for someone that wears eyeglasses to have to carry around both a regular pair of eyeglasses and a pair of prescription sunglasses. Not only can this become quite expensive, but it can be really inconvenient to have to switch between them as you go about your day. 

Thankfully, photochromic lenses can help eliminate those issues by allowing you to combine the two types of prescription glasses. This is because the lenses are designed to get darker when they are exposed to direct light and clear up when you go into a darker environment, such as inside of a building. 


Another great lens coating to consider is anti-glare because it is one of the most versatile coatings out there since it can assist you with a wide range of activities. This coating is designed to keep your lenses from reflecting as much light as normal lenses. This can make it much easier for you to drive at night as you will not be experiencing as much glare from oncoming headlights.

This type of coating is also fantastic if you work in front of a computer screen for most of the day. Since a lot of the glare coming off of your computer screen will be cut down, you will be able to reduce eye strain and fatigue, which can also reduce the risk of getting a headache from starting at a screen for hours on end.


Perhaps the most important type of coating to consider is a scratch-resistant coating. Anyone who has ever worn glasses can tell you that there is nothing more annoying and distracting than getting a scratch on your lenses, especially if the scratch happens to be right in your field of view. However, a scratch-resistant coating can make it much harder for one of those scratches or scuffs to appear, which will make it less likely that you will have to spend money on a replacement lens or lenses.

Speak to a local optometrist today, like an optometrist Las Vegas has to offer, in order to discuss what coatings and additions he or she would recommend for your lifestyle and vision requirements. Scratch-resistant coatings can make your glasses last much longer without damage, while anti-glare coatings can make you less susceptible to eye strain and eye fatigue. In addition, photochromic coatings can make your life a bit easier by offering both prescription glasses and prescription sunglasses in one package.